Our Core Values...
A Culture of Covenant
1) Word
We are building our church on God's purpose and pattern, as found in the Holy Scriptures.
The Bible is our pattern and blueprint for every ministry and program of our church. We are careful to build everything we do on the rock of God's revelation in the Scriptures, the Holy Bible.
We embrace a covenantal theology and interpretation of the Scriptures, believing that God's ultimate plan for redemption is to be worked out through the Church - a people made up of every kindred, tribe, tongue and nationality. We will help believers build their personal lives, relationships, marriages, families, finances and businesses on the solid rock of God's Word by encouraging active faith and obedience.
Every means possible will be used to communicate the Word of God and impart it to people's hearts and lives - including preaching, teaching, training, publications, communications, music and media. We will avoid ministry trends that may subtly lead us away from the fundamental tenants of the Scriptures. All our decisions in the church will be carefully founded on the principles of the Scriptures.
2) Faith
We are committed to building up people's lives through biblical edification and encouragement.
We are committed to a faith-building approach of edification as the ongoing ministry style of our church. Because people need encouragement and faith, we want to always lift up and edify people through all the ministry expressions of our church. Our trust and confidence is in the power of God and not in the wisdom of men, to bring about the fulfillment of God's will and purpose for our lives.
Our desire is to build a strong confidence in people's hearts that with God nothing is impossible, exalting the goodness, power and greatness of God and encouraging people's trust in His divine enablement. Edification and faith involves designing biblical strategies that bring supernatural solutions to the problems of people's lives, homes and businesses, and addresses the social problems in our community and culture. Building through faith focuses on the long-range processes of preparing for future generations as the Lord tarries. Because faith comes by hearing the Word of God, we are building all our ministries on the solid revelation of the Scriptures and pointing people toward a personal and daily dependence on the Bible.
3) Prayer
We are devoted to personal and corporate prayer and intercession.
We believe that without the Lord we can do nothing and that prayer supernaturally moves the hand of God to act on behalf of His people. We are committed to prayer and intercession as our lifeline of power and enablement to accomplish God's will and purpose.
The Church is called to be a house of prayer for all nations, populated by people who are called to be a royal priesthood of believers and a kingdom of priests, given to intercession for others. We must deal with powers of darkness through concerted prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare, because satanic powers are real and will resist us in building the church. Personal daily prayer is the minimum, normal activity for every believer, and corporate prayer is the power of agreement, which brings down spiritual strongholds. Strategic intercession is to be employed in all ministries of the church with committed believers who are trained in prayer and effective intercession.
4) Love
We are committed to one another in the spirit of Christian love, unity and fellowship.
We want to demonstrate love, compassion, kindness and gentleness to all who attend our church and to work together, becoming a spiritual family. True Christian love implies more than just fellowship and attending church in the same building, it breeds the cultivation of covenant relationships within the framework of our fellowship in the family of God. Covenant love does not necessitate intimacy on every level of relationship, but it does genre a spirit of special care for each other and knits us together in our hearts because of common vision and kindred spirit. An
understanding of true Christ-like love assumes a level of accountability that encourages gentle, loving confrontation when a person sins but also implies forgiveness, loyalty, discretion and the covering of one anothers faults and weaknesses. Love means we are committed to resolving conflicts in a biblical manner, as quickly as possible, and loving and forgiving one another as Christ loved us.
Fellowship is the common ground of our mission and purpose in fulfilling our commission as Christians. Relationships will grow and develop in the context of ministry and Kingdom activity. As a church that loves people, we want to always keep our focus on people, not numbers, programs or facilities.
5) Generations
When are propagating the Christian faith in relevant ways to future generations.
We will put the best of our time, money and energy into quality ministry for our children and young people. We are building for future generations and therefore focus on long-term strategic planning. Our children's ministries are not "baby-sitting" but times of ministry, systematic teaching and imparting God's Word to the hearts and minds of our children. Our youth ministries are recognized as the training ground for the next wave of servant-leaders in the church. These young men and women will be constantly involved in modeling the Christian faith to the children of the church. Our congregational gatherings and church events will always have a youth emphasis in order to continually focus on reaching the next generation, helping to build a generation pipeline at every age level as a means of constantly developing leaders and mature disciples.
6) Spirit
We are dependent on the direction, witness and empowerment of the Holy Spirit for effective ministry.
We are committed to following the promptings and leading of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the Word of God, in determining the strategies of the church and its ministries. We encourage the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through the baptism of the Spirit, filings of the Spirit and the release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer.
Those who minister in our church will be trained in and committed to having a right spirit and exemplifying the fruit of the Spirit reflected in Kingdom attitudes. We treasure the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our ministry times, which release power to destroy strongholds in people's lives. We appreciate prophetic revelation and guidance and do not despise it, yet recognize the prophetic word is to be judged properly by the elders of the church and must be in line with the revelation of the Scriptures and delivered by seasoned and mature prophetic ministries. We will cultivate a submission to the Holy Spirit's direction in all our gatherings, allowing a spiritual liberty to reign in our meetings. We embrace revival as it is being expressed throughout the world in our generation, exercising both wisdom and faith as we allow expression of the Holy Spirits anointing in our services.
7) Worship
We embrace the presence of God in all our gatherings by worshipping in spirit and in truth.
Exalting the Lord Jesus Christ and freely expressing our praise, thanksgiving, and love for Him is part of the heartbeat of our church, recognizing that when He is lifted up, all men will be drawn to Him. Worship should be expressed in truth, i.e. in obedience to the ways of worship as revealed in the Scriptures, and in Spirit, i.e. in right hearts and attitudes with unfeigned love for God.
We recognize that worship is not music and true worship must come from our hearts in adoration of the Lord for all His manifold goodness. The anointed presence of God manifested in worship and praise is one of the highest priorities of our church, knowing that out of these times in His presence comes refreshing, direction, comfort, strength, healing, provision, salvation and deliverance for people. We attempt to have a balanced, contemporary style in our worship, incorporating a variety of new, old and different musical styles with a goal to always glorify the Lord in song and release the spirit of worship in the congregation. Our passion is to focus, not on the entertainment of men, but on the exaltation of God in our times of worship.
8) Prosperity
We believe God prospers His people for the purpose of extending His Kingdom.
We believe in prosperity with a purpose, i.e. that God is going to prosper us because He wants to use us as the seed of Abraham to bless others and extend His Kingdom in the earth. We are committed to tithing as the means of supporting the ministries of the local church. Our tithes are a sign of our covenant with God and our faith in the
promise of that covenant made with our father Abraham. We are committed to a spirit of generosity and liberality in giving to missions, the needy and other ministries that represent good soil for the work of the Lord.
Staff members of the church should be duly compensated, so as not to be distracted from their responsibilities in caring for the church. We believe that people are gifted with gifts of giving and administration and recognize these graces as
viable and respectable blessings to our church. We are committed to doing things with a spirit of excellence without extravagance. We realize that the moneys of the church are a sacred trust from God and are to be used wisely under the guidance and accountability of ordained stewards.
9) Harvest
We are obeying our biblical mandate to share the gospel-first in our city, then to the ends of the earth.
A naturally supernatural lifestyle of loving people is our primary model for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us. Since all evangelism begins in Jerusalem, we are building a platform for reaching the ends of the earth by first targeting and impacting our own city and community. Believing that the road to the ends of the earth lead through Samaria, we must allow God to break down social cultural and ethnic barriers that exist here in our own city. Our vision for harvest is inclusive of the greater Palm County.
We believe that most people believe in God, want eternal life and are searching for the truth. Therefore, we are committed to love people and boldly share the good news of the Kingdom with all people. We will wisely employ every means feasible to reach as many people as possible as the Lord inspires our strategies. Our evangelistic efforts will include ministry to the natural needs of people as a means of demonstrating to them the love of God and bringing glory to God through our good works of faith.
10) Healing
We trust in the power of God in restoring people's lives-spirit, soul and body.
The church has all the weapons needed to help people solve their life dominating problem-through the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. We are committed to helping people change and repent from sinful habits and break strongholds in their lives, and we believe they can do so when they cooperate in sincere repentance and faith, knowing that true change comes to a person's life when there is a willful decision to cooperate with God's delivering power. We want to help meet people's needs-spirit, soul and body as the Lord enables us, and to do so through social service oriented ministries. Ultimate healing is the result of a life lived in accordance with the Word of God as that Word renews the human mind and soul.
We believe in divine healing and that such healings are signs to confirm the authenticity of God's Word at work in His church. We believe the power of the Holy Spirit is presently at work in the Church, accompanied with signs and wonders, to enable the members of the Body of Christ to accomplish their God-given destiny and purpose as healthy and mature disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
11) Diversity
We are a people of every cultural background joined together in a united sense of divine mission.
We are committed to bridging all cultural barriers to reach young and old, male and female, single and married, rich and poor, red, yellow, brown, black and white. We know that this unity will be an earthly manifestation of Gods desire to see every kindred, tribe, tongue and nation gathered together worshipping His name throughout eternity.
The gathering together of these diverse groups demands a greater sensitivity on the part of each member to other ethnic groups, age groups, genders and economic levels-practicing love for one another and overcoming cultural differences through compassion, forgiveness, love, mercy, understanding and intentional reconciliation. The common ground of our unity in Jesus Christ is the blood of the Lamb, the Holy Spirit of God and the eternal purposes of God as revealed in the Scriptures. We believe in the unity of all true believers and recognize we are only a part of the expression of the Body of Christ in our city and are therefore committed to promoting unity among all true Christian churches and true Christian disciples of all denominations.
12) Integrity
We are establishing our church on foundations of Christian character and personal holiness.
Our primary goal is to see the nature and likeness of the Lord Jesus developed in every believer, as they are discipled toward maturity in Christ. Recognizing integrity and Christ-likeness as the foundation of our reputation as Christians, we desire manifestations of both charisma and character in our church. Knowing that people are looking for reality in their relationship with God, we are committed to exemplifying sincerity and discrete transparency at every level of our churchs ministry.
Pastors, Church Staff and leaders among the congregation are held accountable to a godly standard of lifestyle, as examples to the flock of God. Members of the church are expected to publicly identify with Jesus Christ in their lifestyle and live a life of righteousness in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. We have a structure of biblical accountability that is a safeguard for the Pastors and leaders of our church, through covenant relationship of the church staff and local pastoral team, and through the legal board of Elders of our local Church, and in apostolic relationships with other leaders in the Body of Christ.